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Free Class 9: Overview of Development & Membership Setup (9/21/2023)

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Versai Bulletin – Upcoming maintenance (outage) for ecommerce and hosted databases (sent 7/24/2023)

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Versai Bulletin – Free Class Thursday (7/13)! Plus Clover Connect Reports (sent 7/11/2023)

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Free Class 8: Overview of Template Design (8/17/2023)

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Versai Bulletin – Free Class Tomorrow (6/15)! Plus Important Dates (sent 6/14/2023)

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Free Class 7: Overview of Finance Reports & Gift Shop Inventory Reports (7/13/2023)

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Versai Bulletin – Gift Shop Inventory Classes Tomorrow and Next Month (sent 5/17/2023)

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Free Class 6: Overview of Gift Shop Inventory Counts & Sales (6/15/2023)

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    You may need to “hard refresh”: press Ctrl + F5 keys / for some laptops: Ctrl + Fn + F5 / for some browsers: Ctrl + Shift + R.

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Versai Bulletin – Free Admissions Reports Class Tomorrow (Thursday); End of SQL 2014 (sent 4/18/2023)

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    You may need to “hard refresh”: press Ctrl + F5 keys / for some laptops: Ctrl + Fn + F5 / for some browsers: Ctrl + Shift + R.

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Free Class 5: Overview of Gift Shop Inventory Setup (5/18/2023)

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    You may need to “hard refresh”: press Ctrl + F5 keys / for some laptops: Ctrl + Fn + F5 / for some browsers: Ctrl + Shift + R.

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Versai Bulletin – Free Admissions Reservations Class Tomorrow (Thursday) & Announcements (sent 3/15/2023)

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Free Class 4: Overview of Admissions Report (4/20/2023)

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Versai Bulletin – Free Admissions Setup Class Tomorrow (Thursday) (sent 2/14/2023)

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Free Class 3: Overview of Admissions Reservations (3/16/2023)

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Versai Bulletin – Free Class Tomorrow (Thursday) (sent 1/25/2023)

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Versai Bulletin – First two free classes of 2023 (sent 1/18/2023)

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Free Class 2: Overview of Admissions Setup (2/16/2023)

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    You may need to “hard refresh”: press Ctrl + F5 keys / for some laptops: Ctrl + Fn + F5 / for some browsers: Ctrl + Shift + R.

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Free Class 1: Overview of Patrons & CRM (1/26/2023)

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Versai v4.1.2.x is released – plan your update now!

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Versai v4.1.2.x New Release Launch Event – You’re Invited!

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