Sorry, you do not currently have access to this webpage.
You have reached this message due to one of the following reasons:
- You may not be logged in.
- If you aren’t already: Log In. This content is available only to employees of a paying client organization.
- If you do not have an account: Register (instead of Log In) to create an account, which will then be verified and approved by our staff within a business day.
- If you are already logged in: Log out and log back in again because your login session may have expired.
- If you still don’t have access after that: On that webpage, press the Refresh button. You may need to “hard refresh”: press Ctrl + F5 keys / for some laptops: Ctrl + Fn + F5 / for some browsers: Ctrl + Shift + R.
- You may not be designated as the Versai Site Administrator, who is our main contact at your organization and who is the only one person with access to this page.
- To find out who designated as your organization’s Versai Site Admin, post on the Support Forum. For more information about the Versai Site Admin role and how to change the designated person for your organization: What is a Versai Site Administrator?
- Third parties/contractors are not permitted to be designated as Versai Site Admin and not allowed access to this webpage. If a third party/contractor is going to perform an update for your organization, the Versai Site Admin can first download the necessary resources from this webpage and then provide the files to the other person.
- Or, your organization’s billing account may not be current or may be under review.
- Access to the Support Forum is not impacted when accounts need to be reviewed, and you will still be able to access the Forum when you’re logged in.
- Continue reading below about contacting our sales office.
If you are already on file with us as your organization’s Versai Site Administrator, and have ensured you are currently logged in:
All billing accounts need to be periodically reviewed by our sales office to ensure they are paid in full and our records are up to date. When accounts need to be reviewed, access to certain resources is paused.
In order to gain access to this page, please contact the Explorer Systems Sales Office to have your account reviewed.
If your account is in good standing, then your organization’s one designated Versai Site Admin (not all staff) will be granted access to this webpage.
Phone: 707-279-2332
Email: sales